Cathy Milliken


Zweierlei Recht

Photo: Zweierlei Recht

for choirs, orchestra, windbands, trumpet ensemble, actors, dancers. A Country Community Opera commissioned by the Land Tyrol as part of a series of seven such operas based on the life of Maximilian I, performed throughout Tyrol in June 2019. Premiere in Schwaz 22.6.19.

Download: Score (pdf)

Zweierlei Recht – is a “landscape opera” commissioned as part of a North Tyrolean initiative to celebrate Emperor Maximilian I, bringing together seven North Tyrolean towns and two composers. Each town supported a music theatre work from their midst. This work was in part, created collaboratively for the town of Schwaz. A trumpet ensemble, organ, three choirs, a brass band, an amateur orchestra and a local dance school took part.


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